In an attempt to kick start my blog habit, I started thinking about why I created this blog in the first place.
1) I don't think I am an excellent writer (nor is it an activity that I actually enjoy) and thought this would be a good way to force myself to practice/learn to love it.
2) I wanted to tell "tall" tales of my adventures in Boston - and how frequently my height comes into play in all sorts of situations.
3) Many of my friends and family live far away and perhaps this is a way for them to follow my stories. Ya know, bc I dont post them on Twitter or Facebook so CLEARLY the lack of LHV information in the world is a big problem.
4) Sarcasm is a tough tone to nail in writing. Something to work on.
I think far too often I try to come up with thematic posts - ones that really showcase the TALL issues - and I got bogged down in the details. So while I am still going to focus on 1-4 above, there might be times when I go off the rails. If it gets me posting more often, I am ok with it. In the meantime, for those casual readers wondering what I have been up to since July, here is a quick recap so we're all on the same page:
- July - amazing 10-day family vacation to Fairmont Maui
- August - moved to the 2nd floor of my building, as per the "request" of my landlord's daughter. #fail
- September - lots and lots of long hours to prep for...
- October - my biggest event of the year (and the largest single event I've ever planned solo), Eloqua Experience, which goes off without a hitch. VICTORY!
- November - Green Beans w Bacon Vinaigrette, Buble at the Garden