Survey says: The ideal Boston woman is about average height (5'4"–5'8"). But fewer than one in six Bostonians found women of 5'8" to 6'—a.k.a. the supermodel median—compellingly attractive.
Not in my favor NOT because our Patriot-lovin, accent-toting male Boston residents aren't looking for a gal like me but rather not in my favor bc my height didn't even rank as part of the survey! So as a funny, hey-its-another-rainy-weekend-
Boston Magazine doesn't publish full LTE but rather snippets of them in commentary. For mine, they mentioned how I was appalled that my fellow tall females and I were left out of the survey entirely. Well....here's the kicker. The good folks at Boston Mag actually added an editorial note to the bottom of my paragraph stating:
The survey did include the option "Taller than 6'"; however it garnered far less than towering support with a mere 1 percent of the votes
Well done, Laura. You've forced the magazine to print that 99% of eligible Boston bachelors are not interested in dating someone of your height. Smooth move. A huge boost to the ego if there ever was one. They were trying to save you the pain that comes with knowledge, yet you called them out and forced their hand.
However, I know I speak for all my fellow long-legged friends when I say we take this in stride (a long stride, yes, but still in stride). We know that most guys are driven by ego and it takes a very special kind of gentleman to be with a woman who is taller than they are. And these special gentleman DO exist, I have faith. There may only be 1% of them in Boston (or at least those willing to admit it) and they may be in hiding 99% of the time, but occasionally they do stick their heads out of the ground long enough for us to snag them. And when we do, we won't be letting go any time soon. Hypothetically speaking...of course.